
A Lost Opera

Review by
Seona Mac Réamoinn

3 stars

Amy, I want to make you hard

Review by
Jennifer Lee

3 stars


Review by
Susan Conley

4 stars

Bás Tongue

Review by
Ruth Kennedy

4 stars

Better Loved From Afar

Review by
Jesse Weaver

2 stars

Bird with Boy

Review by
Michael Seaver

5 stars

Body Electric

Review by
Donald Mahoney

4 stars

Chesslaugh Mewash

Review by
Fíona Ní Chinnéide

3 stars

Criminal Queers

Review by
Harvey O'Brien

4 stars


Review by
Tom Donegan

4 stars

Do You Read Me?

Review by
Donald Mahoney

3 stars

Does Anybody Ever

Review by
Sara Keating

4 stars

Dreams of Love

Review by
Shirley Chance

3 stars

Eternal Rising of the Sun

Review by
Susan Conley

4 stars


Review by
Derek West

5 stars

Gis A Shot of Your Bongos Mister

Review by
Clara Kumagai

4 stars

Hand Me Down The Moon

Review by
Susan Conley

3 stars


Review by
Peter Crawley

4 stars

Heidi and the Bear

Review by
Susan Conley

2 stars

In My Bed

Review by
Jesse Weaver

4 stars

It's Your Turn To Change Daddy

Review by
Jennifer Lee

2 stars

Jumping Off The Earth

Review by
Christopher McCormack

3 stars

Last Year

Review by
Jesse Weaver

3 stars

Love Songs For Losers

Review by
Donald Mahoney

3 stars

Luca & the Sunshine

Review by
Tom Donegan

5 stars


Review by
Tom Donegan

2 stars

maKe, i mean

Review by
Jesse Weaver

4 stars

My Word Is My Bond

Review by
Derek West

3 stars

Our Father

Review by
Jennifer Lee

4 stars

Pocket Music

Review by
Tom Donegan

3 stars

Seeing and Dreaming

Review by
Jesse Weaver

4 stars


Review by
Seona Mac Réamoinn

3 stars

That's About The Size of It

Review by
Susan Conley

3 stars

The Bright Side of the Moon

Review by
Donald Mahoney

2 stars

The Flamboyant Bird

Review by
Jesse Weaver

4 stars

The Yellow Wallpaper

Review by
Tom Donegan

4 stars

Twenty Ten

Review by
Donald Mahoney

4 stars

Welcome to the Forty Foot

Review by
Derek West

3 stars

When Irish Hearts are Praying

Review by
Harry Browne

2 stars

Where Do I Start?

Review by
Jennifer Lee

4 stars
  • Review
  • Theatre

Produced by Donncha O'Dea & Camille Ross for Fishamble's Show in a Bag in Bewley's Café Theatre

Pocket Music

Sep 15, 8pm; Sep 21, 6pm; Sep 23, 6pm

Review by Tom Donegan

Reviewed 13 September 2011

Absolut Fringe 2011

Pocket Music

Bringing the backstage onstage has long been a device employed by theatre-makers seeking to expose the inner workings of their craft to closer inspection. In Pocket Music, we find ourselves in the company of two actors in search of an audience, as a pair of old-time thespians set about preparing for the performance of a lifetime.

All is not as it should be. Arriving late for rehearsal, Cecily (Camille Ross) wastes no time in announcing that she is planning to quit show business for a more stable job elsewhere. However, her long-standing partner Vivienne (Donncha O'Dea) is not going to let her leave without a fight.

What looks initially to be a straightforward conflict of wills becomes increasingly complicated as events unfold. Moving through a series of bizarre anecdotes and botched comedy routines, interspersed with the occasional song, one is left increasingly unsure about the nature of the show the pair are actually practicing for, if it even happens at all.

The overall tone is far darker than one might expect from a piece that nods so nostalgically towards the golden age of musical theatre. As a result, even when our troubled duo finally succeed in performing their closing number without a hitch, we are left wondering whether everything that has taken place is nothing more than a warped game, which both are doomed to repeat ad infinitum.

Think Beckett meets Sondheim and you’re just about there.