Absolut Fringe 2012: (The Making of) The Frogs after Aristophanes

Equinox Theatre Company's (THE MAKING OF) THE FROGS AFTER ARISTOPHANES as part of ABSOLUT Fringe

Equinox Theatre Company's (THE MAKING OF) THE FROGS AFTER ARISTOPHANES as part of ABSOLUT Fringe

Equinox, a Kilkenny-based company, features artists with learning disabilities in collaboration with professional theatre practitioners and raises the bar for our understanding of the word ensemble, so tightly knit is this troupe.

An ambitious project, Frogs interprets Aristophanes’ great comic tale which, surely, must be the first
recorded version of “where have all the great writers gone?”, a question asked by Dionysius before he
undertakes a voyage to Hades to fetch one of them, namely Aeschylus, back to the world of the living.

Broadly comic staging by the company and props in primary hues, suit the register of the piece to
a tee, giving it a “through the looking glass” feel and also more than a hint of commedia dell’arte.
The addition of creatures, including frogs, encountered along the route adds to the effect, especially a
superb Charon, the hellish boatman. Scrim and shadow provide the actors with an opportunity to tell
their personal stories either visually or lyrically. These are interleaved with the classical story, and
include a poignant hand ballet to the strains of Satie that is both emotionally and visually arresting.

Bravo to Stage Manager (both on stage and off) Rónán Mac Raois and his band of deft comedians
who give the audience the added pleasure of seeming to enjoy themselves as much as we enjoy them.
Aristophanes would approve.

Star rating: ★★★★

  • Review
  • Theatre

Absolut Fringe 2012: (The Making of) The Frogs after Aristophanes by Equinox Theatre Company

19-22 Sept 2012

Produced by Equinox Theatre Company
In Project Arts Centre

The ensemble includes: Jim Rohan, Sighile Hennessy, Fintin Kelly, Belinda Henzey, Gary Comerford, Amy McHardy and Shane Byrne